Dog's Diaries
by Victoria Chzhan
July 13, 2023
Every morning my big Mommy (new human Mom, big owner) wakes me and my little Bestie (human sister, sister) so we can eat and I watch my little Bestie look into her lighted metal cookie. My little Bestie calls me Gaby, but my big Mommy says I'm a Maltese puppy.
I'll tell you a story how I appeared in my new family. Do you know that dog choose that owners not owners choose their dogs? Read More...
Humans and Apes:
What Makes Us Different?
Heba Medhat
July 13, 2023
Even though technological advances have helped researchers understand the functions of the basic structures of human life, debate continues regarding how life on earth originated. Various scientific fields from anthropologists to biologists have wide ranging disagreements.
Momentous move from Moscow to the Mid-Atlantic
By: Iuliia Dudkina
April 9, 2024
Explore a journey spanning continents and cultures, from the heart of Russia to Moscow, and now to the promise of America. Discover the unfolding life of a young girl through language, friendships, and the bittersweet experience of moving halfway across the world.
Wonder Book Review
Victoria Chzhan
August 8, 2024
How to fit in at school when you have facial deformations, get bullied, and just don't fit in? Augie Pullman from the novel "Wonder" will teach us not only how to do that but to make friends, change everyone around you, and become a hero.